A property at 2826 Virginia Ave. was sold on July 29 by 2011 the Virginia Sandholm Under Agreement Dated May 9 (revocable trust) for $374,900. The buyers were Andrew W. Thoennes and Gabrielle M Grogan.
The median sale price of a home sold in the first half of 2022 in St. Anthony in Ramsey County rose by $41,500 while total sales decreased by 10 percent.
On July 26, Jeffrey D. Barnhart purchased a property at 2570 Snelling Curv. from Craig, Mack G., Lucinda Ann and Susan Elizabeth Cook and Janet and Edward F. Markquart.
The median sale price of a home sold in the second quarter of 2022 in St. Anthony in Ramsey County fell by $106,100 while total sales decreased by 37.5 percent.
The median sale price of a home sold in the first half of 2022 in White Bear Lake in Ramsey County rose by $30,000 while total sales increased by 11.5 percent.