
North Ramsey News

Monday, September 30, 2024

White Bear Township, Minnesota had a median home sale price of $336,000 of five homes in January 2022

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These are the top five home sales for White Bear Township, Minnesota in January 2022, according to BlockShopper.com.

In January 2022, there were five homes sold, with a median home sale price of $336,000 in White Bear Township.

Top five home sales in White Bear Township for January 2022
BuyerAddressSale Price
Brandon and Paige Magliocco1563 Hammond Road$355,000
Judy Silk1135 Iris Drive$340,000
Wyatt David Benson and Tia Marie Neuharth1700 Pioneer Lane$336,000
Tyler Shanley and Samantha Howell1369 Jonquil Lane$325,000
Kali and Sahlee G. Kotoski3975 Portland Ave.$310,000