
North Ramsey News

Monday, September 30, 2024

Minnesota promises monthly forum with immigrant, refugee advocates

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The monthly forums are designed to open dialogue on any topic of interest to immigrants and refugees, such as the topic of this march by 300 people from Northfield and Faribault protesting the separation of immigrant children from their families. | Fibonacci Blue/Wikimedia Commons

The monthly forums are designed to open dialogue on any topic of interest to immigrants and refugees, such as the topic of this march by 300 people from Northfield and Faribault protesting the separation of immigrant children from their families. | Fibonacci Blue/Wikimedia Commons

Immigrant and refugee advocates will join a monthly forum with the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) to identify key issues affecting those communities.

“Immigrants and refugees have always made Minnesota great. Yet despite their extraordinary contributions to our communities and economy, including their overrepresentation in critical health care, retail, and agricultural jobs, all too often these Minnesotans haven’t gotten a fair shake,” DEED Commissioner Steve Grove said, the department’s website reported.

Immigrants and refugees will make up 70% of the labor force in the future, DEED Deputy Commissioner Hamse Warfa said, the website reported. State agencies need to learn how to improve how they serve them.

“Creating this platform for immigrant and refugee advocates means that they’ll have a space to share their thoughts, as well as their concerns, that will be organized and shared with state leaders,” DEED Assistant Commissioner Anisa Hajimumin said.

DEED provides assistance to business owners and job seekers. Through its Small Business Development Centers entrepreneurs can get help dealing with the impact of COVID-19. The center can help optimize an online presence or rethink business plans to include more delivery and takeout options. Job training assistance and career exploration are available at CareerForceMN.com