Sen. Roger Chamberlain | Facebook
Sen. Roger Chamberlain | Facebook
While many adjust to the new normal of COVID-19, Sen. Roger Chamberlain introduced the launch of an online platform that he said will help bring the area back to its pre-coronavirus state, according to the Minnesota Senate Republican Caucus.
He said in a statement, “We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! California, Oregon, Washington state, Texas plan to end their hard lockdown even the New York governor has mentioned the possibility. Nationally and in Minnesota, the spread of COVID-19 is coming under control.”
He suggested that the recent stay-at-home order was successful and added that now, the “focus” should be on life after the coronavirus pandemic.
“We have put more than $500 million into our healthcare system and processes are in place to manage COVID-19 cases. Hospitals are prepared and effective treatments have been developed. While we need to stay focused on the disease, we need to begin thinking about and discussing the road map back to normalcy," Chamberlain said.
Part of getting back to “normal” is reopening the dozens of businesses that had to close their doors. That’s where the new portal comes in.
“To that end, we unveiled a new online portal for Minnesota businesses and workers to share feedback on reopening Minnesota’s economy. The website asks users to share plans for enhanced safety and social distancing protocols amid extraordinary circumstances," he said.
In addition to the portal, he wants to green light what he described as “aggressive” laws that will get people back to work.
According to CBSN Minnesota, participants will be prompted to answer two questions on the portal: “Which industry or job do you believe should be allowed to return to operation?” and “How do you plan to meet Gov. Walz’s test of ‘appropriate social distancing, hygiene and public health best practices?’"